
Monday 21 July 2014

Putting Your Best Foot Forward During The Interview

When you arrive to the meeting room, if there are other interviewers waiting be sure to greet them with equal enthusiasm. During the interview, ensure you don’t focus on any one individual. Make an effort to engage everyone in the group when you are asking or answering questions

If you are counting down the days till your next job interview, these helpful hints will assist you  getting  in the right mood so you can leave a lasting impression on your interviews. Here are top tips for putting your best foot forward during an interview...

1. First things on time, dress and groom yourself well, and be aware of your body language.

2. Your interview starts when you walk in the doors of the company you are interviewing with. The minute you walk through those doors, make sure you smile at and acknowledge people you pass on your way to reception. You never know who you'll meet along the way.

3. Engage with (and be friendly and polite to) the person who greets you on reception. Employers often ask their receptionist for their opinion of a candidate as it helps them get a better sense of the person outside of an interview setting.

4. Stand up to shake the hand of your interviewer when he or she comes out to meet you. Look them in the eyes, shake their hand firmly and greet them courteously. Make polite chit chat on the way to the meeting room, there's nothing worse than awkward silences!

5. When you arrive to the meeting room, if there are other interviewers waiting, be sure to greet them with equal enthusiasm. During the interview, ensure you don't focus on any one individual. Make an effort to engage everyone in the group when you are asking or answering questions.

6. Sit back, upright but comfortably in your seat, keep your hands on your lap, maintain good eye contact with all interviewers and elevate your voice when speaking.

7. Build a rapport- one of the best ways to relax is to assume the interviewer is on your side. Good interviewers are not interested in tripping you up. In fact, most of them are on your side.

8. Thank everyone for their time and don't be afraid to let them know how much you relished the opportunity. This will go a long way and will set you aside from others who may not take the opportunity.

9. Finally, follow up with a thank you email, this will show your level of interest and will keep you in the employer's mind.

Ciara Kelly 



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